Oh Mommy

Sex After Birth
The question: I had my six-week checkup today. My doctor gave me the go-ahead to start having intercourse again, but frankly, I couldn't care less if I ever have sex again! Is there something wrong with me? Ann...

Pregnancy Preparation with Dr. Fleming
The preconception visit is a key visit to the doctor’s office. The reason for this is that many complications of pregnancy are related to lifestyle. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada suggest...

Pregnancy & Indigestion
There’s a good chance that you will experience some symptoms of indigestion during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Indigestion is a burning sensation that starts in your stomach and rises up your...

Reflux and GERD
In many countries worldwide reflux is over diagnosed. Unfortunately parents don’t really have an understanding of what real reflux is and so they medicate or operate before trying to fix the problem holistically.The...

Q&A with Dr. Fleming
What about stinging insects? There are a variety of stinging insects, including honey bees, bumble bees, wasps, and hornets. Symptoms can be local or systemic, which means other symptoms are involved. If your child...

Safe Toys & Play
Toys and play are important to your child’s development, and safety is essential. In Canada, responsibility for toy safety is shared among governments, the toy industry, safety associations, parents, and...

Q&A with Dr. Fleming
What is influenza? Influenza is a viral respiratory illness that occurs November to April typically. The common cold is not influenza though we often hear it referred to as “the flu”. What are the...

Pregnancy Glossary
Just in case you didn’t know… Amniocentesis: Procedure to test for chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections where a sample of amniotic fluid is taken with a needle. Breech Presentation: When a baby is...

Sleep Problem Solver
From A to ZZZZs The Quick Guide to Preventing and Solving - Baby Sleep Problems While your nightstand may be overflowing with books about pregnancy and birth, you may want to add a baby sleep book to that stack,...

How to Have A Happy Marriage When...
When You're Busy Being Parents Is your marriage everything you ever hoped it could be? Or has it been pushed down your list of priorities since having children? Let's face it, parenthood is a full-time job, and it...

Green is the New Black
What you need to know about organic clothes We’ve all heard about the importance of being “green,” recycling, using re-useable grocery bags, buying organic food, but did you know there is a “greener” way to...

Holiday Drink Recipes for the Mom-to-be
Spice of the Season Mulled Wine Simmering spiced wine on the stove makes the whole house smell like Christmas. With this alcohol-removed version, you don’t have to miss out on that special aromatic memory (which...