Breastfeeding hurts. Help me!
I’m not a "real" breastfeeding expert. But I nursed my little one for over two and a half years, and I can tell you that when breastfeeding was painful, 100 per cent of the time it was because of a poor...
Postnatal Yoga: The non-traditional way
I am so tired but I must do it. I drag the board over to place in front of the TV. I walk the four steps over to turn the console and TV on. Grabbing the remote, I aim and click to set up the Wii Fit. My newest baby...
Expectations and Roles for New Parents
Bringing home a new baby can be one of the most exciting times in a couple’s relationship. After months of waiting the baby arrives and all of a sudden a new little life is part of your world. The weeks and months...
Learning Play: What you'll notice
Most toddlers say a handful of words by their first birthday, and continue adding a few here and there on a daily basis. Neuroscientists have figured out that 50 is the magic number: Once your toddler has mastered...
Bringing Home Baby: Now What?
Despite your best intentions, and even better laid plans, you are not going to be able to do it. It’s been attempted valiantly by millions of strong, dedicated women all over the world for generations. You new moms...
Breast may be Best, But it's Nobody's...
I will never forget the moment shortly after giving birth to my son, the moment he was put to my breast for the very first time. The intimacy between mother and child, though no longer connected through the womb, now...
The Art of Infant Massage
As new parents coping with a newborn baby, many questions come to mind like: Will I be a good parent? How will I deal when my baby cries? What can I do when my baby is in pain? And how can I ensure the health of my...