

Why babies have tantrums and what you can do about it A baby tantrum is an abrupt and sudden loss of emotional control. Various factors bring tantrums on, and if you can identify the trigger, then you can help him...


Terrific Tips For Teaching Your Child A...

You realize the benefits of having a second language, but do you know where to turn or how to begin the process of teaching your little one a second language? Read through the following second language learning tips...


The Struggle to Conceive

What is infertility? A woman is considered infertile if she tries unsuccessfully for one year or more to conceive having consistent, unprotected sex. This definition also applies to women who suffer repeated...


Baby Tantrums

Learn about it A baby’s first tantrum can take you by surprise. Your baby can really shock you by shrieking, stamping, hitting, or making his whole body go stiff. But don’t take it personally; baby tantrums...


Dress Warm

Expectant Mothers Although many pregnant women find that the extra activity going on in their body keeps them warm during the winter months, Canada's chilly climate makes outer layers a necessity. However, buying a...


Your Pregnancy & Exercise Questions...

Is it safe to swim for exercise while pregnant? Swimming and biking are examples of non weight bearing exercises and are indicated during pregnancy, but within reason. Make sure to limit your duration to 30 minutes,...


Your baby's sleeping soundly...or is...

Cot Death, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), affects three families every week in Canada. SIDS is an unexplainable death of an infant, and leaves our community asking some big questions. Charlotte Wenham, a former...


Baby Massage - Head and Face

Head and Face by DK Publishing Initially, babies tend to resist head and face massage, particularly during the first few weeks of life, and if the delivery was long or traumatic. Try this massage for three to four...


Sun Safety

It's great when your baby is old enough to go out to play. However, when we are out having fun it is easy to forget that the sun can cause harm to you and your family. It is a good idea to get into the practice of...


Simple Tips for Weaning

1. Try to avoid beginning the weaning process during an illness or developmental milestone or when your baby's schedule is disrupted. 2. Eliminate one nursing session every two or three days to allow your milk...


Breastfeeding your baby

Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and baby if feeding time is relaxed and pleasurable for both. Make sure your baby can see you, and smile and talk to him while he is suckling. He will come to associate...


Solving Naptime Problems

Naps are important for your child's health and growth. A nap refreshes a child so that she can maintain her energy for the rest of the day. Studies show that children who nap are more adaptable, have longer attention...

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