I’ll bribe her … I have no shame

Wow… M  and this whole potty thing is actually working!! AMEN! Underwear during the day (1 accident a day if that) and pull-ups while we’re out  just in case we can’t get to a bathroom in time. I’ve also been putting her in a pull-up during nap times too and the majority of the time she wakes up with it dry or barely wet. Night time obviously that’s a whole different hurtle we’ll come to later on. We stick her in a diaper at night. 1 for extra protection, 2 because we still have a box and a half left and 3 because in reality $19 for 44 overnight pull-ups… like really.

Success we have had: #1’s and #2’s every day on the potty, she tells me when she’s “GOTTA PEE MOMMY!,” sticker charts are up in the bathroom and they seem to be working alongside with chocolate. In reality she’s totally getting a good deal.

Plus if she was REALLY good and had no accidents all day she gets a “surprise” meaning I totally raided the Chapter’s clearance stuff lol. She seems to get it and she’s making out like a bandit! I’m not ashamed to say, yes rewards work for her and yes I’m buying her off.

The worst part of this whole thing was me having to go buy little girl underwear or as M calls them, “panties” lol. I felt really creepy buying them. I had absolutely no reason to but found myself looking over my shoulder trying to see if someone was looking at me with a raised eyebrow as I sifted through them to find all the size 2 Strawberry Shortcake, Hello Kitty and Barbie “panties” I could find. She wasn’t even with me while I was shopping which made the whole experience even worse for me. I actually lost sleep over it.

Well… wish me luck. Hopefully this whole process can be done with in the next couple of weeks… it’s totally wearing me out!

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